Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Big Day

Capitalism is crashing, Obama is sending secret letters to Russia, and the east coast is buried in snow. It may seem like a pretty dismal day, but alas, a bright beacon on the near horizon. Today Neko Case's new album, "Middle Cyclone" is being released. I am going to do something I rarely do, and actually buy an album. After years of consistently listening to "Blacklisted" and "The Fox Confessor Brings the Flood" I am 100% positive that I will not be disappointed. Her powerful, commanding voice has lead her to be one of the best female singers of our time.
Do yourself a favor and buy this album. Sit down with some treats and hot chocolate and listen to the entire thing....including the 30 minutes of cricket sounds at the end, and maybe just for a bit, you will be able to forget just how bad things suck right now.
Exclusive First Listen on NPR
NY Times on Neko